Friday, October 12, 2018



Cookies out of the Bermuda's Best Recipes

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Cookies out of the Bermuda's Best Recipes


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Thursday, September 6, 2018

Recipe Marketing : Sugar Cookies

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S U G A R   C O O K I E S 

Sugar Cookies

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Monday, April 16, 2018

Custard. Cream Cookies




2 oz whole wheat flour 
4 oz flour
2 oz sugar
2 oz butter or margarine
1/4 teaspoon lemon flavoring 


¼ cup butter
6 – 8 tablespoons icing sugar
1/8 lemon flavoring 


1.                  Mix flours and sugar on a pastry board.

2.                  Work in the butter or margarine and flavoring.

3.                  Roll out to about ½ -cm (¼ –inch) thick and cut into round shapes.  

4.                  Place on an ungreased baking sheet and bake in centre of a moderately hot oven, 375°F, 190°C, Gas Mark 5, for 10 - 12 minutes. 

5.                  Cool on the baking sheet.

6.                  Cream butter and icing sugar.  

7.                  When cool, spread the cookies with (butter cream mixture). Sandwich together.

Custard Cream Cookies Recipe derived from a Recipe out of one of my cookbooks from a Recipe called Jelly Biscuits.  There were some minor adjustments to accommodate the flavor and look.  The original recipe called for rolled oats to which I used whole wheat flour in its place with the same exact  measurements.  The original recipe sandwiched with jelly or jam.  However, I made a butter cream filling to form a custard cream filling.  The original recipe also called for oval shape with two cut out circles for jam to show through, but I used a round cookie cutter of 1 7/8 in 48  mm  size and sandwiched two cookies with the filling.  Thank you "Cookery In Colour A picture encyclopedia for occasion edits by Marguerite Patten" for the ideas to diversify recipes in similarity.

Custard Cream Cookies were made and prepared by Shirley-Ann Pearman

Photography by Shirley-Ann Pearman.



Tuesday, April 10, 2018

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